Pet Product Review – Solid Gold SEP (Stop Eating Poop) 3.5oz Today is Wednesday and I was going to start…
Courtesy of Dog food recipe ingredients: 2 1/4 Cups Wheat Flour 1 Cup Soy Milk (or regular milk) 1…
Pet Products Review – Yummy Chummies Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil by Arctic Paws When you have a long haired dog…
Halloween just passed, and the holiday gift season is right around the corner. If you’re like me, this is also…
Pet Product Review – Solid Gold Green Cow Tripe Canned Dog Food If you’re like me, and the 80’s were…
HAPPY HOWL-O-WEEN!!! There are just four more days until my favorite holiday. The 18th annual Tompkins Square Park Halloween dog…
Pet Product Review – Land Of Paws, a pet retail store in Kansas City, MO As you may know, when…
Pet Product Review – Kong 100% Natural Rubber Dog Toy Ok, Ok, I know what you’re going to say. DUH!…
Dog supplies - reviews and recommendations
Pet Product Review – Solvit Products Deluxe SUV Cargo Liner As I’ve mentioned before, every weekend I plan an escape…
Pet Product Review: Tuffy’s “The Tuff’est” Soft Dog Toy I love Wednesdays. You know why? Because its the day I…
Pet Product Review – Frontline Top Spot for Dogs Connecticut may be the original home of Lyme disease, but it’s…