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Reference (Page 35)
Looking for a pup friendly Spring Break destination? Look no further! Here are 5 places where dogs are allowed to…
Do you have any homemade flea and tick remedies for pups? Please share them in the comments below. We can…
American Airlines kicked yet another service dog off of its flights, this time a guide dog for a 61-year-old blind…
San Francisco's new law bans the sale of puppy mill and kitten factory animals within the city, as well as…
Some people don't like the idea of crates, but remember, they're only a temporary training measure. Why do I need…
The bizarre message came two days after Bandit's death.
Annie the pregnant Pit Bull found herself in a high kill shelter when she was saved by a rescue group.…
The mythical Greek gods had plenty of mythical powers that helped them rule over mortals. Do those godlike abilities live…
I'm clearing the air and admitting it here: I feel stressed when my dog is alone.
Unless you're dangling a treat over his head or he's sitting in front of his food dish, the lip licking…
The United Kingdom passed a law that starting on April 6th, 2016, all dog owners must microchip their dogs or…
If you live in a warm climate or are planning to move somewhere with hot weather, these dog breeds may…
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