Being kept in the playroom with an indoor doggy toilet prevents your dog from eliminating in other parts of the…
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Fospice provides end-of-life comfort, love and care for homeless, terminally ill, and elderly dogs. It's based on the human hospice…
Please help save other dogs and dog owners from the pain and anguish we have had to go through. Prong…
Here are five tips to ensure your pet's safe and comfortable during its trip!
Fido deserves to have the same service and in-flight experience to get from point A to point B and beyond,…
When a couple gets divorced, it isn’t unusual for the parents to get joint custody of the children, including visitation…
Pet owners searching for an apartment know it can sometimes be difficult finding a landlord willing to rent to you…
When your dog passes away, you shouldn't be made to feel guilty, belittled, or more hurt. Some people don't understand,…
Looking for a pup friendly Spring Break destination? Look no further! Here are 5 places where dogs are allowed to…
Do you have any homemade flea and tick remedies for pups? Please share them in the comments below. We can…
American Airlines kicked yet another service dog off of its flights, this time a guide dog for a 61-year-old blind…
San Francisco's new law bans the sale of puppy mill and kitten factory animals within the city, as well as…