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Dog Health (Page 153)
Dog found in the Washington mountains is safe in foster care but still looking for a happy reunion with his…
This little pitty named Queso is afraid of many things but he doesn't let it stop him from doing the…
If you love corgis and live in Southern California, then this is your lucky day because tomorrow is Corgi Beach…
A story of severe abuse and cruelty, the images are graphic, but it's important to find out who did this…
A pitbull mix named Thea was hit by a car, then hit in the head with a hammer and buried…
Many people dread the coming of spring. Though the new plant and flower growth can be quite lovely, they’re also…
Millions of vegetarians live in the United States. Many people wonder if their cat or dog should go vegetarian too.…
They went in to prank people and were so moved by the love they saw that they ended up taking…
Tired of cleaning up messes? Don't get out the vacuum, get out your pet dog instead! Pet dogs come in…
Derby was born with a deformity that made it impossible for him to walk like other dogs. Luckily science and…
These kittens have the hearts of lions! Now I see why Katy Perry's spirit animal is a cat. These little…
Dating can be hard and after a bad date many people have had this thought. Musician Doug Ratner just comes…
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