If you’re like many Facebook users, you’ve gained a lot from your time there: you’ve learned which Teletubby you most…
In addition to being a groundbreaking comic, and just a damn funny guy, Richard Pryor was an animal advocate. We’re…
Dogtime salutes Illinois’s Hope Rescues. How did your organization get started? Hope was founded in November of 2005 in the…
When BAD RAP (a San Francisco Bay area Pit Bull advocacy group) took in several of Michael Vick’s former dogs,…
Profile of Second Chance Pet Rescue
DogTime is getting the animal rescue word out to local viewers in the California Bay Area with the Road to…
I’d long been a fan of Chris Rock. I found his humor to be intelligent, honest, and laugh-out-loud funny. So…
Nike proposed. Michael Vick accepted. Nike got cold feet and the wedding was called off: Last night all the major…
Dear Ms. Fox, You say you don’t understand why people are “dissecting every word Michael Vick says.” I will try…
A few months ago my Pit Bull, Maybe, brought an injured bird into the house. Considering her formidable prey drive,…
Question: My pointer mix vomits once or twice a month, but doesn’t otherwise appear sick. Is this normal? Answer: While…
America is torn apart, and it’s not about health care reform, the wars overseas, the Yankees or the Red Sox.…