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Dog Health (Page 280)
Eye injuries are one of the most serious conditions seen by veterinarians. Because pets often mask the clinical signs associated…
Eddie: Moose, the Jack Russell Terrier who starred in Frasier for a full decade, earned $10,000 each episode. Rin Tin…
Question: My dog is young and healthy. Would vitamin supplements be beneficial? Answer: Most puppies reach maturity between the ages…
Question: Is acupuncture ever used to treat canine cancer? Answer: In the U.S., Chinese medicine is mostly used with the…
As you search for dog-friendly apartments you will find that many leases have restrictions against barking dogs. Barking is a…
Sensitive apartment dogs are not fond of reprimands, an abundance of noise or chaotic situations. They prefer things to remain…
Looking for a good apartment dog who is always ready for a game of fetch or tug-of-war? Not interested in…
When looking for a good apartment dog most owners include low-maintenance as one of their criteria. Since living in an…
There are many tests available that supposedly determine canine intelligence. One test is to throw a bath towel over your…
Some breeds were originally bred in hot climates and can handle the heat much better than those who were not.…
If you’re a condo dweller adopting for the first-time it would be wise to start with a good apartment dog…
To raise an apartment dog who is people-friendly your puppy should be socialized with 100 different people before he is…
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