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Dog Health (Page 277)
The occurrence of esophageal cancer in dogs is very rare. It accounts for even less than 0.5% of all canine…
Chondrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm accounting for 5%-10% of all primary bone tumors reported in dogs.
Apocrine glands are the major type of sweat glands in dogs. These lesions are quite common.
I wasn’t going to write another word about Michael Vick this year. But it was announced today that Vick is…
Question: Am I sending my dog mixed messages if he’s allowed on one couch but not the other? Answer: The…
Adrenal medullary tumors are rare and account for 0.01% to 0.1% of all canine neoplasms.
Until recently, the H1N1 virus was thought primarily to affect people. Well, and pigs, of course. But reports of cats…
Turns out December 2, 2009, is a big news day for canine aficionados. Let’s hit the highlights: The latest issue…
How to treat anxiety in today's dogs
On the homepage of yesterday’s, web site of the San Francisco Chronicle, the article I’d been waiting for finally…
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