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Dog Health (Page 273)
My editorial last month, which chastised the Supreme Court on the decision to void the ban on animal cruelty videos,…
AkitaAlaskan MalamuteAmerican Eskimo DogBelgian SheepdogBelgian TervurenBernese Mountain DogBoston TerrierChow ChowGoldadorGreat PyreneesKeeshondLakeland TerrierMaltese Shih TzuNewfoundlandPekingesePomeranianSamoyedShetland SheepdogSussex Spaniel See list of low…
Question: Are vegetarian dog foods ok for dogs? What about vegan dog foods? Answer: I have been a vegetarian for…
We live in a country in which our basic liberty is protected by law. And thanks to today’s Supreme Court…
Creating invites for your whine and cheese dog party
House training a puppy can be hard, but nobody likes cleaning up doggie accidents–especially when they’re in your own home.…
Understanding storm phobias
Question: Vet visits are expensive. How can I save money with regards to my dog’s health without scrimping on care?…
Question: Can dogs and kids live together in harmony? Answer: Dog and kids can live together in harmony and share…
Dear Mr. Bronstein, I read your column “Man bites dog” (March 8, 2010) and found your dismissal of an animal…
Question: My 7-year-old Lab was diagnosed with cancer and my vet says chemo and radiation is a possibility. I want…
A shot of a few protesters outside the Eagles’ stadium in Philadelphia is the only mention of dogs or dog…
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