In recent years, the use of nutraceuticals and herbal supplements have made it into the mainstream. Advertisements claim that these…
According to trainer Patricia McConnell, one of the biggest training mistakes you can make is to repeat commands, as in,…
Allergies are quite common in dogs. Anything from pollen to chicken flavored treats can bring on an unpleasant reaction. Learn…
The signs of arthritis may be hard to spot. You might notice it takes Fido a little longer to get…
Memoir of a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
A Golden Retriever greets his boy after school, a tennis ball in his mouth, ready for a game of fetch.…
Question: Have you heard any feedback on Evolution Diet dog food? It’s a vegan dog food I use just to…
Question: I take my dog and cat to the vet for their regular checkups, but are there any other steps…
Question: My dog was diagnosed with cancer. Can chemotherapy really help, or will it make my dog sicker? Answer: Chemotherapy…
Question: What if I don’t like putting my dog in a crate? Answer: Crate confinement is a temporary training measure…
Question: What do you do if you catch your dog urinating in the house? Answer: Immediately interrupt the urination and…
Question: How do I know if my dog is a candidate for agility training? Answer: Many types of dogs can…