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Dog Health (Page 141)
Help, my dog's been skunked! How do I get rid of the smell?
A handy step-by-step for creating a muzzle out of gauze or cloth for emergency situations. If your dog has been…
What we need to fight cancer is information and this book has all the information you need to to arm…
Looking for a roommate? Good roommates are hard to find but if you're looking for someone who sheds, steals your…
Dogs make us happy even when we are sad, these dogs are going to make you smile no matter how…
Dogs can detect the smell of a drop of blood in an Olympic sized swimming pool. It makes sense that…
A new study from the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, as published in Current Biology, reveals what a dog can…
Bacon, eggs, peanut butter? What more could a dog ask for?
How to give your dog or puppy a great massage
Trusted through the ages, herbal medicines offer a natural alternative to dealing with everything from canine injuries to illnesses. Learn…
A fun treat for special occasions. Very yummy!
Your guide to the disgusting world of worms.
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