12:57 MT: This just in from insider Kelly Page, who was instrumental in freeing Lucky:
“He [Lucky] was just taken out of the home at 10 a.m. and he is on his way to Kent Shelter. Animal Control wouldn’t release him to Pasado’s rescue, but we have a volunteer going to the shelter now and we’ll keep tabs on him. We’re still going to push for cruelty charges to be brought against the owner.“

Lucky, the dog who was locked alone in a basement for four years and forced to live, sleep, and eat admidst urine and feces, was finally freed today.
Details are scarce, check back for updates — will post as soon as I can obtain them.
Thank you to reporter Nancy Bartley, Dogs Deserve Better ‘s Kelly Page, and to all the Save a Dog and Dogtime readers who spoke up on behalf of Lucky. This animal has been released from hell.