Product Review: Chewy Louie Beef Flavored Bone-Shaped Treats by RedBarn

Pet Product Review — Chewy Louie Beef Flavored Bone-Shaped Treats by RedBarn

When I saw the Chewy Louie product brands on the shelf I couldn’t help but pick them up and want to know more. This whole brand is so “surfer-dude”, bright colors, big print, Even the announcement “Put Some Kick In Your Cookie.” Sounded like fun, so we tried them.

The biscuits do very much resemble cookies. They are shaped like bones and have a red beef flavored filling that is layered on. Much like icing on a holiday cookie. The size of the bone is certainly a mouthful that your pup, not just one snap gobble. Packaging described in detail all of the many many vitamins and ingredients the first two being, wheat flour and poultry meal, so it is a biscuit. They claim the crunchy texture provides the added benefit of promoting good dental care. Personally I think this is getting over-rated play. But, it cant hurt, eh?

Now at first, Champ did turn his nose up at the Chewy Louie bone treat; but that is normal at first. It takes him a while to know the treat is for him. After eating his first Chewie Louie, he looked at me and asked for more. Now when I go near the jar where I keep the treat, he does get excited.

Chewie Louie Beef Flavored bone shaped treats are good, but a luxury. A 14oz bag with about 12 bone shaped treats cost $7 per bag, or 4 bags for $20 on

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