Petkin Liquid Oral Care

Petkin Liquid Oral Care (2 biscuits)

Our take: The concept makes sense: You just pour a bit of this liquid breath freshener into your dog’s water bowl. It has no scent or color, and as the unsuspecting dogs lap it up, it gradually freshens their breath — or so it goes in theory.

In reality, I didn’t notice any improvement in my dog Ginger’s breath, which is too bad. It’s certainly easier than brushing teeth or trying to get your dog to eat something she considers inedible, and if it worked, every pet that drinks out of the bowl would benefit.

The dogs weigh in: Ginger didn’t notice it and drank her water as normal, which was good. However, if your dog did manage to pick up on the taste, she might not drink enough water, which could be bad for her health. Unlike tasty mud puddles, this is not a flavor found in nature.

Cost: low

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