Woman teaching dog tricks
(Photo Credit Ziga Plahutar | Getty)

Easy Tricks To Teach Your Dog

We all love our pets, but sometimes it can feel like your dog is incapable of learning any easy dog tricks. While it may feel impossible at times, with the right techniques and the proper amount of practice, just about any dog can learn. You might not know where to begin in finding tricks to teach your dog, so we’re here to help!

List of simple beginner tricks any dog can learn

We’ve compiled a list of easy dog tricks that practically any dog can learn with patience. However, remember that some dogs are more trainable than others. If your pup doesn’t pick up on one or more of these tricks, save the both of you some frustration, move on to another, and try again later.


Your dog may already shower you with kisses daily, but now you can teach them to kiss you on command! This trick is simple and relies on positive reinforcement.

  1. Start with a treat – Hold a treat close to your cheek and use the verbal command “Kiss!” as your dog leans in. Many dogs will naturally lick your face when they’re this close.
  2. Reward immediately – When your dog licks you, reward them with the treat and praise. Repeat this process multiple times until they understand the cue.
  3. Phase out the treat – Once your dog gets the hang of it, stop using the treat as a lure.
  4. Use only the verbal cue – Say “Kiss!” and reward them with praise and affection when they respond correctly.
  5. Keep training sessions short (5-10 minutes) to prevent boredom or frustration.

Bark On Command

This cool trick might be better suited for more advanced dogs and requires extra patience, as it’s one of the tougher tricks to teach. Similar to “Kiss,” you’ll need to reward your pup for barking! Once they get the hang of the cue, you can gradually phase out the treats and rely on praise.

  1. Pick a stimulus or trigger that will help your dog bark. This could be a squeaky toy, or some dogs may respond to your voice if you make enough noise. If you choose to use the doorbell or knock, introduce this trigger gradually to avoid encouraging excessive barking.
  2. Encourage your dog to bark using the chosen stimulus. The moment they bark, use the verbal command “Speak!”
  3. Reward immediately to reinforce the behavior. You need to do this as soon as possible so they associate the reward with the command.
  4. Repeat, repeat, repeat! Consistency is key to helping your dog understand the cue.
  5. Once your dog understands the command, remove the trigger (such as knocking or the squeaky toy).
  6. Practice the command in different environments.

Once your pup has mastered this trick, you might want to introduce the “Hush!” command.

Shake Hands

The “Shake Hands” trick is one of the cutest tricks your pup can learn. It’s simple and one of the easiest tricks to teach!

  1. Hold a treat in your closed hand and say “Paw!” or “Shake!”
  2. Wait for your pup to respond. It may take a few attempts, but they will likely paw at your hand to get your attention or reach for the treat.
  3. Reward immediately as soon as they give you their paw. Use both treats and verbal praise, saying something like “Good girl, Shake!” or “Good boy, Paw!”
  4. Repeat multiple times! Repetition helps reinforce the command.
  5. Gradually remove the treat from your closed hand and try using an open, empty hand instead.

Try this trick in different environments and with varying levels of distraction. This helps your dog learn to focus on you, even when other stimuli are present.


While fetch is a classic game, it’s a trick that doesn’t come naturally for some dogs.

It can be frustrating when your dog won’t cooperate during playtime. Some dogs may be uninterested in the toy and won’t try to engage, others may fetch the toy but not bring it back, and some stubborn pups will bring the toy back but refuse to let go.

Still, fetch is a great way to play with your pup while reinforcing important cues like “drop it” or “come.”

  1. Choose a toy that your dog loves! Play with the toy to make it exciting and engaging for them.
  2. Encourage your pup to take the toy with a command like “Take it!” or “OK, go!” This is also a useful cue for feeding time.) As usual, reward them immediately when they respond.
  3. Teach your dog to hold onto the toy before dropping it. For dogs who aren’t naturally inclined to hold a toy, work on increasing the time they hold it.
  4. Introduce the “Drop it” command. Reward them when they respond to the cue.
  5. Throw the toy and say “Fetch!” If they go to the toy, reward them immediately. They may not bring it back right away, but this is still progress!
  6. Encourage them to return the toy with the cue “Come!” You may need to use a leash to guide them back to the starting spot to reinforce the idea of returning the toy.
  7. Make sure each cue is understood and rewarded before moving on.
  8. Begin to string the game together. Throw – Fetch – Bring it Back – Drop It – Reward.

Roll Over

At first, “Roll Over” may seem like a difficult trick to attempt, but in the long run, it’s quite straightforward. All this trick requires is repetition. The more you practice, the better your dog will get.

  1. Once your dog has mastered sitting, try getting them to lie down.
  2. When they’re comfortable with the “down” command, move the treat slowly to their shoulder, guiding them to turn their head.
  3. As they follow the treat, they’ll need to roll over to reach it.
  4. Reinforce the verbal cue (“Roll Over!”) with praise and treats as they complete the action.

Play Dead

Play Dead” is a great party trick that will most definitely impress your friends and family. Unlike simpler commands like sitting or shaking hands, playing dead takes a bit more time and persistence to master. If your dog already knows the trick “Roll Over,” it will be much easier for them to learn this trick.

Essentially, you’ll use the same method for teaching “Roll Over” but change the verbal cue and hand gesture to “Bang!” or “Play Dead!” once they’re comfortable with lying down and rolling over.

  1. Use a treat lure to get your dog into the “down” position. Reward them for this behavior.
  2. Guide them with the treat to roll over onto their side. Reward them for this behavior.
  3. Add a new verbal cue and hand gesture for “Play Dead” and move them into the roll-over action. Repeat this multiple times, always rewarding for progress.
  4. Help them understand that the hand gesture is connected to the sequence of the “down” and “roll-over” actions.
  5. Gradually remove the treat.
  6. Start practicing while you’re standing since most of the time, you’ll perform this trick standing up while your dog is lying down.


Getting your dog to spin on command is a staple dog trick. While it may seem complicated at first, getting your dog to spin when directed is quite easy with the right technique.

  1. Get your dog to sit.
  2. Hold the treat in your hand and move it in a circular motion around their nose. Your dog will likely follow with their eyes, if not their entire head!
  3. You may need to repeat this a few times until they begin to move their whole body in a circle to follow the treat. Reward this behavior.
  4. Once your dog is following the lure, add the verbal cue “Spin!” or “Circle!”
  5. Reward this behavior and repeat and reinforce it consistently!

Stand On Hind Legs

While this trick may seem like something to leave to the professionals, if you’re a persistent dog parent with patience and high determination, it’s doable. In comparison to tricks like “Shake Hands” or “Spin,” this trick may seem complex, but it’s just as easy to achieve with consistent effort and practice. Some breeds may be more adept at managing this trick than others.

  1. Using a treat lure, simply hold the treat above your dog’s nose and lift it higher.
  2. Dogs who are naturally a bit more graceful or athletic may instantly pop up on their back legs to grab the treat. Immediately reward them and say “Yes!”
  3. With time, your dog will be able to hold this position for longer. As they improve, you can hold the treat higher so they can’t reach it but will stay standing for a few extra seconds. Reward this behavior.
  4. Continue this process until your dog builds the strength to stand on their hind legs for longer durations.
  5. Add a verbal cue like “Stand!” to associate the cue with the action. Reward when they respond to the cue.
  6. As always, practice, practice, practice!

Sit Pretty

Making your dog “Sit Pretty” isn’t just fun because it gives you the chance to take cute pictures of your pup to post to Instagram, but it’s also a great exercise for your dog.

Making your dog strike an adorable pose helps with your dog’s balance and can build core muscles. However, make sure your dog is healthy for this trick because it can strain dogs with pre-existing conditions. Watch the video above to learn how it’s done.

  1. Start your pup in the sit position.
  2. Using a treat lure, slowly move the treat back over their head until they need to tilt their head back. The goal is to get them to lift their front paws off the ground to reach it.
  3. As soon as they start to tilt back, reward them with a treat and praise.
  4. Once your dog is consistently able to stay up with the treat, introduce a verbal cue like “Sit Pretty!”
  5. Reward immediately and practice reinforcing the behavior.
  6. Gradually begin to remove the treat lure and rely more on the verbal cue.


While you can always just hug your dog, this trick is special because your dog will actually put their paws around you and hug you back. Who wouldn’t want to learn this adorable trick?

If you want to master this heartwarming hug, just remember to be patient and understand the pace at which your dog learns. It’s also a bit easier for your dog to learn this trick if they already know “Sit Pretty,” but it is still manageable without that foundation.

  1. Once your dog is in the sit position, use a treat lure to guide them to tilt their head back slightly.
  2. As soon as their front paws come off the ground, reward them with a treat.
  3. Repeat this until they get the hang of balancing in the position. Gradually extend the amount of time they hold the position before rewarding them.
  4. Once your dog is comfortable holding the position (like in “Up!” or “Sit Pretty!”), you can sneak in for a hug.
  5. To advance the trick, encourage your dog to grip during this position.
  6. When your dog is in the “Sit Pretty” position, introduce a stuffed animal for them to grip. Reward them when they do.
  7. Remove the stuffed animal and start using your leg for them to grip. Again, reward them for a job well done!
  8. Finally, you can move in for a hug, and your dog will know to grip you in return. Eventually, remove the treat. 

Remember, patience and consistency are key when teaching tricks. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and petting to reward your dog when they perform the desired behavior. Keep training sessions short and fun, and always end on a positive note. Once you’ve got the hang of these simple tricks, be sure to check out our Advanced Tricks To Teach Your Dog!

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