Tracey and Bubba from Charleston, SC

Human: Tracey

Canine: Bubba

Location: Charleston, SC

Type: Labrador Retriever / Rhodesian Ridgeback mix

Our Story:
My son’s girlfriend thought he needed a dog to make his life complete. We had never had a dog before. We did have a cat, who is now 19 years old.
Being a single mom for 12 years and raising two children seemed like enough.

Well, Bubba entered the house at 2 1/2 months old in March of 2007. He had been living at the local shelter. Alyson, my son’s girlfriend, picked him out of the sea of faces because of his big brown eyes. My son thought that it was the best thing that could possibly happen to him and Bubba. “Mom, please, can we keep him?!” he cried with anguish. The cat and I looked at the dog and then looked at each other. She was hissing under her breath. I was pondering another mouth to feed and “poo picker” duty for the next 10-15 years. The cat box was bad enough.
My son was 16 at the time. His social life was full, and his attention span stood at about 15 minutes. But, we had had some difficult times recently, and I thought, like his girlfriend, that the unconditional love that a dog gives his best friend was a good fit.

Little did I know that Bubba would become my best friend, not my son’s.
I was the caregiver, the trainer, the cook, the “poo picker,” the walker, the hiker, the lover of frisbee throwing, and swimming. Bubba and I became inseparable. I hadn’t adopted a dog, I had adopted a son, a best friend, companion, and pal. I was the one that needed the unconditional love! I couldn’t believe that at 47 years old, I had never had the wonderful opportunity of having a dog in my life.

Bubba has changed my life completely. Instead of staying cooped up in the house, cleaning, washing, etc., I am outside all the time. With Bubba by my side (who is HIGH energy), we are always looking for our next adventure. I am in the best shape of my life, and best of all, Bubba always has a hug and kiss waiting for me. He has filled my life with joy and peace and I thank God everyday that He brought him into my life!


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