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The team at Dogtime has been keeping tails wagging since 2008. Dogtime’s mission is to keep pets out of shelters and get them adopted to good homes by providing novice and experienced owners alike with the important information needed to make them, and their pets, very happy and healthy.
Human: John Canine: Lily Location: Raleigh,NC Type: Poodle Our Story: Lily was a retirement present from me to my wife.…
Human: Lilly Canine: Rabbit Location: East London England Type: Norfolk Terrier / Jack Russell Terrier mix Our Story: My friend…
Human: Rene Canine: Pancho Villa Location: Santa Ana CA Type: Chihuahua / Miniature Pinscher mix Our Story: My lil Kiapet…
Human: Amy Canine: Maya Location: Cincinnati,OH Type: Dachshund / Chihuahua mix Our Story: Wow, this story tears me up. I…
Human: Katy Canine: Dante Stormyweather Location: Louisiana Type: Standard Schnauzer Our Story: I had been ill and was at home,…
Human: Alexis Canine: Binky Sue Location: United States Type: Cairn Terrier / West Highland White Terrier mix Our Story: I…
Human: Blendena Canine: Barley Location: Michigan Type: American Pit Bull Terrier / Chinese Shar-Pei mix Our Story: The cry went…
Human: Sid Canine: Keely Location: Minneapolis, MN Type: West Highland White Terrier Our Story: I begged my husband as we…
Human: Linda Canine: Barney Location: USA Type: Great Dane Our Story: As a volunteer for MidAtlantic Great Dane Rescue I…
Human: Judy Canine: Wilson (“Willie”) Location: Waukesha WI Type: Boston Terrier Our Story: For about 35 years, I had shared…
Question: My dog recently bit my neighbor’s ten-year-old (skin wasn’t broken). She’s not a vicious dog, but legally am I…
great gifts for your dog
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