Corny Dog Jokes
Dogs And Marine Biologists
Q: What's the difference between a dog and a marine biologist?
A: One wags a tail while the other tags a whale.
Wag of the tail to Reader's Digest for this joke.
(Picture Credit: smrm1977/Getty Images)
Stop A Barking Dog
Q: How do you stop a dog from barking in your front yard?
A: Put them in your backyard.
Wag of the tail to Petcha for this joke.
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
Digger Dog
Q: What do you call a dog who's an expert at digging up artifacts?
A: A barkeologist.
(Picture Credit: Ирина Мещерякова/Getty Images)
Dog Out Loud
Q: What do you call a dog with a great sound system?
A: A sub-woofer.
Wag of the tail to BarkPost for this joke.
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
When The Dog Crows
Q: What do you get when you cross a Cocker Spaniel, a Poodle, and a rooster?
A: A cocker-poodle-doo.
Wag of the tail to for this joke.
(Picture Credit: Agata Lo Coco / EyeEm/Getty Images)
Social Dog
Q: What do you call a dog who can't stop using social media?
A: A Golden Re-tweeter.
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
Dog Phone
Q: What do a dog and a phone have in common?
A: They both have collar IDs.
Wag of the tail to EntirelyPets for this joke.
(Picture Credit: Shanni Lim Shang Nee/Getty Images)
Magic Dog
Q: What do you call a dog who can do magic tricks?
A: A Labra-cadabra-dor.
Wag of the tail to LaffGaff for this joke.
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
Little Terror
Q: What do you call a small dog who's more fearsome than a big dog?
A: A scarier terrier.
(Picture Credit: alexei_tm/Getty Images)
Missed Appointment
Q: Why did the dog miss his appointment with the vet?
A: He was a Late Dane.
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)
Q: What do you call it when a dog brings back a stick that was thrown five miles away.
A: A bit far-fetched.
Wag of the tail to for this joke.
(Picture Credit: PeopleImages/Getty Images)
Sitting On A Rabbit
(Picture Credit: FatCamera/Getty Images)
Q: What do you call a cold dog sitting on a rabbit?
A: A chili dog on a bun.
Wag of the tail to AKC for this joke.
Pilot Dog
Q: What do you call a dog who flies a plane?
A: A Cockpit Bull.
(Picture Credit: Getty Images)