Ten quick fixes to occupy Fido’s mind

Has Fido’s favorite family member gone back to college or off to school? Fido feeling the empty nest blues? FIDO Friendly magazine’s got 10 quick fixes to ease Fido’s separation worries.

1. Take the path less traveled, to quote a famous poet. Change can be good. Plan a new walking path for you and Fido. Explore an area you/he/she hasn’t sniffed out before.

2. Keep a piece of the child/student’s clothing for Fido to sleep with. Familiar scents, not absence, make Fido’s heart grow fonder.

3. Hook up online with the wandering student if they’ve gone off to college. Having a webcam where Fido can see and hear the family member might just provide some comfort.

4. Take a trip to doggy Disneyland–aka the park! Not sure where to go? Explore your city’s local fare and take a picnic basket, leash, water bowl and head for greener pastures. Fall is the perfect time to crunch through leaves with your best friend by your side.

5. When in doubt, get the bone out. Peruse the aisles of your favorite pet supply store or flip through the pages of FIDO Friendly to find a supply of Fido favorites chewables and edibles.

6. Is your Fido a sociable pooch? Head to the dog park. Make new friends, allow Fido to get his mind off the missing family member, and channel his inner puppy.

7. Kong toys!! Many of the latest Kong toys to the market engage Fido’s ‘find the treat’ solving skills. Shaped like a rubber beehive, insert treats and watch as Fido tries to unearth the buried treasures.

8. Plan a Fido friendly daytrip. Peruse the pages of FIDO Friendly magazine and even check out our online calendar for things to do in your area that won’t cost you an arm, leg, or paw.

9. Start a Fido club of the month. Gather some friends or family together and meet at each other’s houses or backyards, if feasible, once a month. Similar to a book club, members get together and take turns hosting the monthly meetup. Fido gets new experiences and so do you!

10. Take me out to the ball game. The good old reliable game of fetch. If not a ball, then a Fido-friendly toy stick or whatever toy tickles Fido’s fancy. Find a well-contained area and toss Fido’s worries away.

“For more FIDO Friendly content, subscribe to the magazine at www.fidofriendly.com and visit our blog at http://blog.fidofriendly.com.”


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