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Dog Health (Page 298)
Four questions from the floor of APDT
Four questions from the floor of APDT
Four questions from the floor of APDT
Four questions from the floor of APDT
Four questions from the floor of APDT
DogTimeMedia: Welcome to PetChat’s hosted event with Bridget Pilloud, an expert in intuitive animal communication. Bridget will answer your questions…
Dog grooming is very important to your dog’s physical and psychological health. Your dog will love the extra attention and…
news and views from APDT 2008
Rescued fighting dogs find loving homes
Coping with the loss of a pet can be a very difficult time for the entire family. Here are a…
The “Helping Hand” badge is awarded to rescue groups and shelters that exhibit exceptional community involvement in helping pet of…
The first recorded dog show was a field trial organized by Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II in 1603. The need…
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