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General (Page 160)
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on the toughest phase of puppy raising
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on teaching your dog the 'stay' command
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on teaching your dog to heel
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on how to prevent separation anxiety
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on teaching your dog to heel on-leash
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on teaching your dog the 'sit' command
Master trainer Ian Dunbar on why the food lure/reward method works
Eye injuries are one of the most serious conditions seen by veterinarians. Because pets often mask the clinical signs associated…
Eddie: Moose, the Jack Russell Terrier who starred in Frasier for a full decade, earned $10,000 each episode. Rin Tin…
Question: My dog is young and healthy. Would vitamin supplements be beneficial? Answer: Most puppies reach maturity between the ages…
Question: Is acupuncture ever used to treat canine cancer? Answer: In the U.S., Chinese medicine is mostly used with the…
As you search for dog-friendly apartments you will find that many leases have restrictions against barking dogs. Barking is a…
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