Being president of the United States is a tough, trying job, and there are times when even the commander-in-chief needs…
Spinal cord neoplasms can be classified into extradural (outside the dura [outermost of the 3 layers of the meninges occupying…
I wasn’t going to write another word about Michael Vick this year. But it was announced today that Vick is…
Until recently, the H1N1 virus was thought primarily to affect people. Well, and pigs, of course. But reports of cats…
Turns out December 2, 2009, is a big news day for canine aficionados. Let’s hit the highlights: The latest issue…
On the homepage of yesterday’s, web site of the San Francisco Chronicle, the article I’d been waiting for finally…
If you’re like many Facebook users, you’ve gained a lot from your time there: you’ve learned which Teletubby you most…
In addition to being a groundbreaking comic, and just a damn funny guy, Richard Pryor was an animal advocate. We’re…
Dogtime salutes Illinois’s Hope Rescues. How did your organization get started? Hope was founded in November of 2005 in the…
When BAD RAP (a San Francisco Bay area Pit Bull advocacy group) took in several of Michael Vick’s former dogs,…