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General (Page 155)
Earlier this week I received a letter from a woman who was irate about Dogtime articles citing the Humane Society…
Looking for a puppy sale? You might want to think again. A great majority of puppies sold in pet stores…
Dog bless Tennessee. “It’s now a misdemeanor crime for people previously convicted of animal cruelty to violate a judge’s order…
They call themselves “pet bird advocates” and formed a group called POPA — Protect Our Precious Animals. Their goal? To…
A little over eight years ago, Emily Scott Pottruck lived through a nightmare: she witnessed the savage mauling of her…
Holiday eating with your dog
Your guide to puppy adoption
DogtimeMedia : Welcome to PetChat’s first hosted event. Leslie Smith is DogTime’s Senior Editor and is the star of the…
This just in from The Berkeley Daily Planet: The Railroading of Michael Vick, in which writer Jean Damu blasts those…
Country music superstar Carrie Underwood elicits applause wherever she goes. And the millions of homeless animals in this country could…
For most of us, dogs are our best friends. For some of us, dogs are truly heroes who help us…
The animal welfare movement lost a good one today. Senator Robert C. Byrd, an unflinching advocate for compassion and kindness,…
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