Dear Michael Vick,
It’s understandable you cancelled the Oprah appearance. She’s a powerful lady with a huge media empire and devoted following. One teeny mess-up on your part and the entire world would hear about it.
But here’s an idea: Save face and allow me to interview you. No one’s ever heard of me, and I’m not a polished interviewer. I’m sure you and your PR team could run circles around me. Literally!
The best part is, I’m just a little 100-pound vegan – and a wimpy one at that (sometimes I cry at night). If things got out of hand, I’d be even easier to waste than one of your former Pit Bulls.
So whaddya say – you and me, one on one? I’ll bring the flipcam, you bring the answers. You’re not a coward, are you? Consider this a standing invitation.