Throughout 2021, there were over 5,400 cases of dogs going after postal workers attempting to deliver mail and packages. We…
Biting everything is normal puppy behavior, but that doesn't mean it's fun to live with. Here are some solutions when…
If you happen to find your dog's mood change for the worse, here are five ways to cheer them up…
Sometimes things affect our dogs emotionally, which can lead to anxiety and depression. Here's how to spot the signs of…
Your dog can go through anxiety at the start of Daylight Saving Time, but there are steps you can take…
It's unclear as to whether dogs are feeling empathetic to human emotions. But one thing is for sure: they want…
Is it okay to give your dog kisses? It's really all about who your dog is, who you are, and…
Dog aggression toward other dogs is a very serious matter, not to mention stressful, and attempting to defuse an attack in progress…
According to a new study, dogs recognize you by voice. Furthermore, dogs don't even need a combination of their other…
Your dog will have body language and a few behaviors that can tell you exactly how they're feeling about the…
Some dogs understand more human words than others. Word recognition could predict other abilities that might help in choosing and…
If your dog decides to herd guests in your home by nipping at their heels, it can cause big problems.…