Dog Optical Illusions
Can you please pop me out of here?
This dog either is a dragon or ate something very spicy!
Nothing worse than dog vomit!
When you eat too many Skittles.
Attack Of The 10-Foot Dog!
My Patronus couldn't decide between a dog or a stag.
A little cramped for a giant dog.
Ready for takeoff!
Beware the Abominable Snow Dog!
(Picture Credit: Reddit user grimreapergutters via
The experiment went horribly awry.
This happens when you eat a blue lollipop.
What kind of shampoo does this dog use?
A dog with the neck of a giraffe!
The dog with magic paws!
My other body is a mini!
Next time don't swallow the shiny stuff!
Luscious lips!
There's a dog painter behind the tree!
Which side is the mouth?
I ate my homework.
It came from the depths!
(Picture Credit: Reddit user redwormcharlie via
That's no polar bear!
Nothing like hugging a giant pooch!
(Picture Credit: Imgur user Japas via
You taste funny.
We ride to victory!
(Picture Credit: Facebook user Vail via
Let's put our heads together here!