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There are plenty of health benefits to making your dog's food with natural ingredients instead of processed dog food that…
All of the harsh chemicals and salts that they put on our city streets are very unhealthy for pooches and…
Are you looking for doggy stocking stuffer ideas for a bargain? Look no further! You can get any of these…
National Dog Week was started in 1928 by Captain William Lewis Judy so 2018 marks the 90th year of National…
Like a lot of people out there I'm always trying to find ways to get chemicals and toxins out of…
I'm not saying this is the right choice for everyone but it's the right choice for Betsy and me. I'm…
It’s funny, my dogs greet me like this when I walk to the end of the driveway to get the…
What do pets who suffer from blindness, deafness, and have black fur have in common? They're less likely to be…
Any dog lover will completely understand and relate to these hilarious dog cards from Someecards. Share them with your dog…
A dog is a big responsibility. Are you really ready?
Soon actions like this could be a crime in parts of the United States, and let's hope that it will…
A little Poodle named Sesame is giving new meaning to the word "Sheepdog" after a picture of her new haircut…
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