Whether you go out or stay in, make sure you give your dog a big old hug and kiss. Take…
You probably already know that probiotics are beneficial for humans. But did you know your dog also needs these tiny…
January 14th is Dress Up Your Pet Day, and you may be thinking about dressing your pup up. Here's a…
It's almost time to celebrate New Year's Eve, and some dogs are staying up past bedtime to party with us!…
This year, make realistic New Year’s resolutions for yourself and commit to a healthy lifestyle modification plan for your pet.
Do you love Christmas and puppies? Sit back, relax and get in the holiday spirit with the cutest Christmas puppies…
One of the best ways to fight the chill on a cold winter's night is with a blazing fire. Check…
Our reader's dog won't eat unless she's right next to him during meal time. Dear Labby explains why and tells…
Chag Sameach! Hanukkah is a special celebration to share with friends, community, and family. Check out these cute Hanukkah dogs!
With Thanksgiving wrapped up, the winter holidays are on the way. And as usual, dog lovers can score some amazing…
It's important to remind ourselves of some basic Thanksgiving safety tips to protect our furry family members. Here are a…
You hold yourself to a high standard because you love that dog more than anything. And that dog who just…