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The team at Dogtime has been keeping tails wagging since 2008. Dogtime’s mission is to keep pets out of shelters and get them adopted to good homes by providing novice and experienced owners alike with the important information needed to make them, and their pets, very happy and healthy.

Question: Have you heard any feedback on Evolution Diet dog food? It’s a vegan dog food I use just to…
Question: I take my dog and cat to the vet for their regular checkups, but are there any other steps…
Question: My dog was diagnosed with cancer. Can chemotherapy really help, or will it make my dog sicker? Answer: Chemotherapy…
Question: What if my puppy doesn’t like his crate? Answer: You can easily teach puppies to love their crates. Here’s…
Question: What if I don’t like putting my dog in a crate? Answer: Crate confinement is a temporary training measure…
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