Our canine companions get into the most bizarre situations – like a runaway dog who recently became stranded on an overpass in Tampa, Florida.
A Sticky Situation
On Monday, Dec. 19, a dog named Sheeba somehow catapulted over a high concrete wall and landed on a ledge 16 feet in the air while traffic sped by on Interstate 275 below. Someone spotted the dog over the Armenia Avenue exit and reported the strange predicament around 10:45 a.m., according to Hillsborough County Animal Control.
Rescuers arrived at the scene and blocked off a lane of traffic. They sweet-talked the dog in the hopes that she wouldn’t fall onto the ground below. Then, they used a long snare pole to pull her to safety. They were successful in their rescue efforts and an animal control officer managed to literally get his hands on the pup.
“Good job!” one of the officers said when Sheeba was safe.
As soon as the four-legged fur baby was in the officers’ van, she began wagging her tail. It appears she did not suffer any injuries.
Runaway Dog Returned Home
“After helping her get safely into their care, they worked to reunite her with his family,” the county reported. “Luckily, her owners had her microchipped! Because of this, she made a quick return back home to her family.”
Sheeba had apparently dug her way out of her parent’s backyard fence and made a run for it. We assume she never planned to end up on an overpass staring death in the face.
Luckily, she made it out alive and even got her 15 minutes of fame on the internet thanks to a bodycam video of the heroic rescue. Have a watch and tell us this doesn’t give you vertigo!