Whine and cheese party attire

A whine and cheese party may be the most formal event your dog ever attends. So even if you’ve never been the type to outfit your pup in monogrammed sweaters or cloak her in a doggie slicker during rainy season, here’s your excuse to see how she looks dolled up in the latest fashion.

Festive formal gown

For the party-goer who doesn’t mind donning a dress.

Yuppy puppy sweater set

It’s a look that says, “I’m fancy, but not annoyingly, over-the-top fancy.” Perfect.

Flower garden shirt

So pretty and feminine, she may ask to wear it the day after as well.


Planning to wear that sassy cocktail number? Your dog can look equally formal. Don’t forget your camera…

Whine and cheese party

Whine and cheese party invitations

Whine and cheese party decorations

Whine and cheese party favors

Whine and cheese party food

Whine and cheese games

Whine and cheese party photos

See all dog party themes.

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