Bulldog And Balloons
(Picture Credit: Cassie Keenum / 500px/Getty Images)

Happy National Dog Day! Join The Celebration On August 26th

August 26th is National Dog Day! Of course, every day is Dog Day if you have a loving pooch at home. However, we can always use another excuse to go above and beyond for the canines who show us love all year long.

It may come as no surprise that we at DogTime absolutely love National Dog Day. It’s a chance to celebrate all things dog — and our pooches certainly deserve a celebration.

Dogs help us humans in so many ways, from helping with disabilities, to rescuing humans in distress, to providing therapy and comfort, to being just plain old cuddle buddies.

This day is also a chance to talk about issues like pet overpopulation, overcrowding in shelters, and irresponsible dog parent behavior. When we say it’s a holiday for all things dog, we mean all things dog!

So grab your best furry buddy and get ready to make dogs the focus on August 26th! There are tons of ways to get involved and celebrate. Here’s what you need to know about National Dog Day!

What Is National Dog Day?

National Dog Day was founded by the fabulous, Colleen Page, a leading pet and family lifestyle expert. Colleen Page is also responsible for National Cat Day and National Puppy Day. So, when it comes to pets and holidays, clearly she means business.

Colleen’s mission is to save the millions of unwanted pets that populate our nation’s shelters and to honor the joy that animals can bring to our lives.

Although this day does seek to shine a light on some of the negative aspects of dog breeding and irresponsible dog parenting, it is more a celebration of dogs in general and an encouragement to anyone who might have been thinking about adopting a dog into their lives to take the next steps.

How Can You And Your Dog Celebrate National Dog Day?

There are lots of ways to celebrate National Dog Day! You could do something huge like adopt a dog from your local shelter or rescue, but also something fun like commission a portrait of your dog, or give them a spa treatment.

Go above and beyond for your pooch to show them appreciation for everything they do for you.

Most importantly, National Dog Day encourages us to remember responsible pet parenting practices, as well as spaying and neutering, education, donation, and appreciation. What better way than to accomplish all of those things at once than to have our own tail-wagging holiday?

Happy National Dog Day, America!

Are you going to celebrate with a dog you love? How else can people celebrate pups on National Dog Day? Let us know in the comments below!

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