Office dog
(Photo Credit: @m0ski / TikTok)

Office Dog Isn’t Happy About ‘Bring Your Pup To Work Day’ in Video

The trend of bringing dogs to work has gained popularity in recent years, with many workplaces recognizing the positive effects pets can have on morale and productivity. Dogs in the office can reduce stress, foster a sense of community, and even make the workday more enjoyable. However, what happens when the resident office dog isn’t quite as excited to welcome new furry friends?

Dog makes it known she doesn’t want furry friends in her office

A recent video capturing an amusing standoff between two office dogs has gone viral, leaving viewers laughing at the dynamic between the canine colleagues. In the clip, Maureen McLaughlin brought her Labrador Retriever, Hurley, to her workplace. However, things didn’t go as planned when Ruby, the office’s resident English Bulldog, wasn’t too thrilled about sharing her space. The hilarious interaction, shared on McLaughlin’s TikTok, has racked up over 775K views and sparked a wave of laughter across the internet.

The playful clip captures the two dogs separated by a glass door. On one side, Hurley excitedly wags his tail, rolling a football toward Ruby in an eager attempt to start a game. But on the other side, Ruby — the self-proclaimed office queen — responds with sharp barks, making it crystal clear that she has no interest in sharing her space. A humorous voiceover imagines Ruby sternly declaring, “Go home. You’re not welcome.” As she continues her loud protest, a colleague steps in to defuse the situation, ultimately carrying Ruby away from the standoff.

According to McLaughlin, Hurley had been a regular visitor to the office in the past but hadn’t come in as often since Ruby’s arrival. “This is her territory!” McLaughlin told Newsweek, explaining that Ruby belongs to the company’s CEO. To maintain harmony, the team usually coordinates schedules to ensure Ruby isn’t in the office when someone else brings their dog. This time, however, McLaughlin decided to see if the two could coexist. Though Ruby didn’t take kindly to Hurley that day, the company’s love of dogs has fostered a fun and lighthearted atmosphere for employees.

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