Answers Pet Food recall
(Photo Credit: joshblake | Getty Images)

FDA Issues Recall of Popular Dog Food Over Salmonella & Listeria Contamination


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a recall of some of the Answers Pet Food products after they tested positive for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes (L. mono). The test of the unopened retail samples came after the administration received multiple consumer complaints of illness in dogs that ate the products. The FDA has advised pet owners to take action as Salmonella and L. mono can affect people and animals.

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The FDA noted the affected products are sold frozen in 4-pound cartons. It consists of certain batches of Answers Pet Food Raw Beef Straight Formula for Dogs, Answers Pet Food Raw Beef Detailed Formula for Dogs, and Answers Pet Food Straight Chicken Formula for Dogs. The advisory provided detailed information with the “UPC/barcode number” and “Best Used By Date” to identify the affected products.

The advisory further stated that the FDA recommended Answers Pet Food to recall these products. However, the firm has yet to initiate an adequate recall. Meanwhile, pet owners who have bought these products are advised to throw them away in a secure container. The FDA warned, “Do not feed it to your pets. Do not donate the food.” Moreover, it is also noted that refrigeration or freezing does not kill Salmonella or L. mono.

The administration also recommended consumers clean and disinfect all surfaces and pet supplies the food or canine came in contact with. This includes utensils, bowls, and food preparation surfaces. The list also features toys, pet bedding, litter boxes, and other possible objects. In addition to disinfecting, pet owners are also advised to clean up the canine’s feces in places frequented by people or animals.

The FDA explained it is aware of cases where humans or animals fell sick from exposure to Salmonella-contaminated pet foods. Therefore, it is highly advised to dispose of the affected products at the earliest.

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