A sad little girl, like the kids in Michigan who were abused by their parents and treated like dogs.
(Photo Credit: Olga Rolenko | Getty Images)

Michigan Parents Who Treated Children Like Dogs Arrested

Content Warning: The following article contains graphic and disturbing content related to child abuse and trauma.

Two parents from Michigan are under arrest for subjecting their kids to abuse over a decade, treating them like dogs. Shocking details reveal that the children were reportedly forced to consume a disturbing concoction of dog food mixed with milk, oatmeal, and hot sauce. The severity and duration of the abuse have raised serious concerns about the well-being of the children involved.

Parents tortured kids for decade, allegedly making them wear collars, eat dog food

On Friday, Feb. 23, the Kent County Prosecutor’s Office filed child abuse charges against two parents from Michigan, who reportedly treated their kids like dogs. They have been accused of subjecting their children to torture for about 10 years, as Fox News reports.

The parents, Kris and Alan Jones faced arraignment on three counts of torture and three counts of child abuse. Additionally, the judge denied bail in their case. 

According to court documents, the couple has three adopted children. In 2013, they started abusing the three kids. 

Instances of abuse included compelling the children to sleep in the garage, no matter the weather. Additionally, Kris would reportedly remove the carpet from the stairs, leaving the children to sleep on the concrete surface. 

During their meals, Mr. and Mrs. Jones allegedly made the children wear a dog collar and forced them to consume dog food with milk. One of the children reportedly ate from the trash at school due to hunger. 

Furthermore, the couple pushed the kids down the stairs, restrained, punched, and even choked them, as per ABC 15 News.

A neighbor living near the Jones’ home said that she often caught the children “taking laps around the house.” Reportedly, the parents punished the kids whenever they misbehaved by making them run miles as a form of discipline. 

Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker stated, “Very often in any type of child abuse, child sexual abuse, it’s usually someone close to them, it is a parent, it’s a caregiver, it’s a relative.”

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