Attention California drivers! Order your new spay/neuter license plate today and be part of the movement to end pet homelessness.
That’s right, Californians. Your state has pledged to help put a dent in the staggering dog and cat euthanasia numbers by releasing a one-of-a-kind license plate. The new spay/neuter license plates – featuring original artwork by Pierce Brosnan – are available to pre-order now!
According to the website:
“Proceeds from the plate provide funding for free or low-cost spay & neuter surgeries across California, and also help to raise awareness about the importance of spaying and neutering.”
I know: Spay/neuter isn’t the sexiest area of the animal welfare movement, but it is undoubtedly one of the most important. With over 4 million companion animals put down in shelters each year, hundreds of thousands of which are in California, this comprehensive spay/neuter campaign could drastically reduce that number.
In order to make this a reality, the state must receive at least 7,500 pre-ordered plates. As of August 15, just under 1,300 orders were placed. So… live in California? Pre-order your plate. Know an animal lover who lives in California? Send ’em this info or forward this post.
You can make a difference.