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Dog Health (Page 52)
Excess magnesium in the blood in dogs can lead to muscle and nerve impulse issues. In some cases, the condition…
Can dogs eat gummy bears? You may be asking this because your dog got into your snack drawer. Humans can…
Excess iron in the blood in dogs often happens when a dog ingests iron pills or medication. In some cases,…
Excess acidity in the blood in dogs is a condition caused by kidney problems. The condition is technically known as…
Excess carbon dioxide in dogs happens when there is too much carbon dioxide in the blood. This causes respiratory problems.
Excess chloride in the blood in dogs happens when too much chloride is present in the blood. Chloride is an…
Hypopyon in dogs happen when a group of white blood cells form at the front of the eye. The cells…
Excess alkali in the blood in dogs happens when there is an imbalance of acid and alkali in the blood.…
Estrus symptoms in dogs happen when a dog shows signs of being in heat even when she has been spayed.…
Ethanol poisoning in dogs happens when a dog is exposed to ethanol. This can be through the mouth or skin.…
Enlarged liver in dogs is a condition that's caused by an underlying condition. Heartworm, hepatitis, and heart disease can all cause…
Enlarged spleen in dogs is a condition that causes symptoms including diarrhea, loss of appetite, and collapse. The condition affects…
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