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Dog Health (Page 180)
If you’re an animal lover and you live in the Southwest, you’re probably familiar with the stunning work of photographer…
Excerpt from Little Boy Blue by Kim Kavin This post first appeared on Pet News and Views I had heard…
Parkour, a sport developed in France, involves getting from point A to point B in the most interesting way possible.…
Dogs Deserve Better founder and owner Tamira Thayne purchased the former site of Michael Vick’s dogfighting operation in July 2011,…
It’s official: Earlier this week, Gund toy company announced results from its recent photo contest. Jonny Justice, a former Michael…
A Florida woman charged with abusing and neglecting 158 animals will do time for running what St. Lucie County Sheriff…
A Message to Our Save a Dog and Save a Cat Users: When DogTime created the Save a Dog and…
There are many reasons dogs are euthanized at municipal shelters. “There isn’t enough space.” “She’s too old to save.” “His…
Strategic feeding, special chew toys, and practicing no-fuss comings and goings are a few ways to avert separation anxiety in…
Animal rescue groups in Ohio have their hands full today after rescuing nearly 250 Chihuahuas and 40 Chinese Shar-Peis from…
Video: Dogs have been featured in several Hollywood productions, but here are five pooches who steal scenes from high-paid actors…
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