Pet Product Review – A Dog’s Life | Real Dogs & Real Cats personalized wines

I love wine, though my daughter often laughs at how I go about selecting one. In this case the 2007 Rescue Red Reserve met all of my criteria, it’s priced under $25 and both the name and label elicit good thoughts and feelings for me.
However the pièce de résistance is the option to make my own dog or cat a star by having their photos featured on the label along with a clever caption. What an impressive gift for the discriminating host or hostess – a bottle of wine with the party giver’s very own furry celebrity right on the label!
As to the actual wine? I thoroughly enjoyed it! It’s not too heavy, not too light, a very good flavor that I would definitely revisit (and did).
My daughter, who knows much more about wine than little ol’ me, says, “Rescue Red Reserve is a great example of a classic New World Wine. The scent of dark red and purple fruits, like plums and currants, are balanced with a hint of vanilla. This is a bold, medium bodied wine that is bright on the palate. Slightly tannic, Rescue Red Reserve offers a smooth finish.” I’m impressed!

You can personalize and purchase your own Real Dogs and Real Cats wine for $16.97 – $24.97 on the A Dog’s Life website.
As part of their “Rescue Dog Label Series,” all of A Dog’s Life’s products feature the photo and story of a real rescue dog, with 10% of the sale’s proceeds going to rescue groups and shelters. Love it!
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