Pet Product Review – All natural dog muffins, cookies & treats and gifts from Natertot Bakery
Natertot Bakery specializes in dog
muffins, cookies and
treats made with the finest human quality ingredients and no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. These are exactly the types of wholesome
treats we try to feed our pets.
I’m impressed not only with the care, thought and attention
Natertot’s puts into its healthy treats but also the variety they offer: bits, bikkies, treats,
muffins, cookies, brownies and donuts. They also carry treats for holidays and special occasions as well as “allergy free” treats.

Our daughter, Kathleen, found Natertot’s Vanilla Heart Cookies strong persuaders when it came to training her
guide dog puppy, Mason. One day soon, Mason will have a very important job to perform, so it’s vital he be focused and motivated as she teaches him a multitude of
I believe Mason would have done back-flips if necessary just to get another nibble of the frosted heart-shaped treats. He’s guaranteed to ace all of his guide dog exams if he stays this motivated!
Natertot’s Bakery treats sell for $4.00 to $13.00 depending on the treat and the package size and for $1 more, you can include a personalized gift card with your treats. Your treats will come packaged in the cutest 100% biodegradable gift boxes! Visit Natertot Bakery at to place your order.
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