Pet Product Review – All Natural Sweet Potate’r Chews from Boutique Fancy Fluff (BFF)

I experience déjà vu every time I flip over a package of “healthy” pet treats and find the advertised flavor (chicken, cheese, beef, etc.) lost in a list of ingredients as long as my dog’s ear.

I researched the benefits of
sweet potatoes and learned that they’re packed with
fiber and nutrients our dogs need to stay healthy. They’re also great for pup’s with food allergies or
diabetes and make a perfect low-cal snack for dogs who could stand to shed more than fur.
Joey and Shakespeare love them! They gather in the kitchen the moment they hear the familiar rattle of the
Sweet Potate’r Chew’s bag and, once rewarded for a good “sit,” they take their treats to their respective corners and blissfully chew away.
Dr Harvey’s Sweet Potate’r Chews are available in small – $8.50, medium – $8.50 and large $19 and can be purchased on the Boutique Fancy Fluff website. Be sure to take some time to browse BFF’s huge selection of pet and horse supplies while you’re there. They carry everything from aromatherapy candles to books and calendars!
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