Pet Product Review – Gift Baskets & Heart Kisses from Must Love Paws Bakery
Must Love Paws Bakery has an adorable website where they offer the most delicious doggy delights! All of their treats are handmade, using only natural and organic ingredients. The Secret Shopper Team is always looking for great gift ideas and boy, did we hit the jackpot with these folks!

Must Love Paws Bakery has a variety of handmade delicacies to choose from including gluten-free and wheat-free treats. Prices range from $5 to $12; $20 for their Sampler Pack. You can add an elegant gift box for an additional $3. They also offer pre-packaged & custom made gift baskets in either the Good Dog pail or 8″ couture dog bowls.
SS bonus find – Must Love Paws Bakery donates $1 for every order placed on their site to “…a deserving humane society.” And the shopper who spends the most in a given month not only gets a picture of their pup featured on the website as the “Most Spoiled Pup of the Month,” they are also entered into a drawing where the winner gets to choose which humane society the company’s donation will go to for that quarter. Fantastic!
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