Book Review: Dog Joy & Photobooth Dogs from The Bark

Pet Product Review – Book Review: Dog Joy & Photobooth Dogs from The Bark

The Bark Books - Photobooth Dogs & Dog Joy

Photobooth Dogs
A photo album filled with images of humans and their pups, some dating back to the 20’s when the “Photomaton” made its debut. Big dogs, little dogs, pure breds and mutts, young folks, old folks, the well-to-do, and perhaps some folks who didn’t have two nickels to rub together, so borrowed the coins necessary to gain entry into the mysterious booth.
I turned each page anxious to see who would be there to greet me on the other side: a socialite from the 30’s with her perky Min Pin or perhaps a young boy from the 40’s who, with his loyal Lab in tow, ducked-out of his farm chores to investigate this new-fangled novelty. I found myself making up a back story to go with each photo!
However varied their stories or circumstances, these dog lovers all had one common goal: to document for all eternity the special bond they shared with their best buddies. Bet they never dreamed their photobooth photos would end up in a book!
A great book that gives one the urge to grab their four-legged friend, track down the nearest surviving photobooth and join the ranks of the Photobooth Dogs. $12.95 for the book. $19.95 for the book plus a one year subscription to The Bark magazine.
Dog Joy - The Happiest Dogs in the Universe
I defy anyone to successfully repress a smile while exploring the pages of Dog Joy. It’s simply impossible! The reader is showered with a potpourri of smiling, grinning, goofy-faced, loveable hounds who all seem to beckon, “Come on! Life is good! Let loose and show us your pearly whites!”
Many of the photos are accompanied with little tidbits from the dog’s owners or funny quips like this one, “Two dogs are chatting during a break at obedience school. One says, ‘Yeah, it’s a great class, but I don’t feel like I’m learning anything I’m going to use in the real world.'” Reminds me of what I told my parents about 9th grade algebra!
Another great book from The Bark that will uplift and inspire you just when you need it most! $13.95 for the book. $21.95 for the book plus a one year subscription to The Bark magazine.
Dog Joy with custom cover

SS bonus find – For $29.95 you can have your own pup’s photo on the cover of “Dog Joy!” And, for $35 you can have the custom cover plus a one year subscription to The Bark magazine.

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