Dog Urine and Stain Cleaners

At some point in your life as pet owner, you will face pee, poop, and vomit. Housetraining can be a particularly foul stretch, but messes can occur at any time–when your dog’s getting sick or after surgery, for instance. Then there are the unfortunate trash-scavenging episodes that result in vomiting in three rooms. And all of that is just a precursor to the grandmother of accidents, old age incontinence.

The sooner you clean up an accident, the easier it is to get it out and prevent staining. That said, some products are just more effective than others.

Urine and stain cleaner reviews:
GET SERIOUS! Stain, Odor and Pheromone Extractor
Zero Odor
White Vinegar
Oxy Solution Pet Stain and Odor Destroyer
Spot Shot Instant Carpet Stain Remover

–Phyllis DeGioia

See all product reviews.


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