All pet owners understand there are certain foods that can harm a dog. By knowing the kinds of food your dog should consume, you are not only keeping them healthy — you’re keeping them happy too.
Every dog has a right to safe and healthy food. In fact, their diet is just as important as their daily exercise and training. That is why you have to be vigilant in checking which particular food items will harm your dog. In today’s society where food has evolved from a fusion of cultures, it may be hard to determine which ones are safe to consume. With that, here is a list of items your dog should not eat.
Please note: there are other foods your dog should not eat that are not on this list.
1. Avocado
Although these foods contribute a good number of nutrients for the human body that does not mean it is safe for dogs. Persin, a substance naturally found in avocado, is said to cause allergic reactions in dogs, especially in high doses.

2. Garlic and Onions
These basic ingredients are known to spice-up every dish, but they do nothing to spice-up the health of dogs. In fact, they are known to cause anemia and other blood-related problems to our canine friends. A small dose is okay, but be sure not to go overboard.

3. Grapes
Grapes are potent, at least for dogs, and they can damage your pet’s kidneys. Even a small amount can cause problems, so it is best to keep them out of reach of your dogs. An early sign that a dog has ingested grapes is excessive vomiting.

4. Dairy Products
According to, you should not share your milk and ice cream with your dogs. The digestive system of dogs is more sensitive when compared to those of humans, so eating large quantities may bring about diarrhea and other related problems. It may also cause allergies that may lead to severe sickness.

5. Salty Foods
Excessive amounts of salt can cause your pet to become thirsty and urinate more. Signs your pup is suffering from salt poisoning are: vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, fever, seizures and even death.
Sources: WebMD, Pet Health Focus, Today