Dogs have different tolerance levels for wearing clothes, so don’t get too set on debuting your new pup all decked out in an elaborate costume. And beware of costumes that have bells or any other items that could be chewed off and swallowed. You don’t want to end your puppy shower with a trip to the emergency clinic.

If you’re dog doesn’t mind playing dress-up, we’ve got suggestions for appropriate puppy shower attire.
Velvet tux shirt
Your boy puppy will never feel underdressed in this simple but elegant shirt.
Pink summer ruffle dress
This simple pink sheath is perfect for puppies who lunch.
Lil’ princess dog hat
Unabashedly girly, this party hat makes it clear who’s the belle of the ball.
For people, Carmel Dog Parties owner Heidi Borgia loves asking guests to come dressed in their finest. “Pearls for dog and owner are perfect!” she says.
Puppy shower
Puppy shower decorations
Puppy shower favors
Puppy shower food
Puppy shower games
What to wear to a puppy shower
Puppy party photos