When black Lab Maggie and her new friend, an unidentified yellow Lab, crossed the busy Hacienda Boulevard in La Puente, Calif., only Maggie made it to the other side. Her friend was tragically struck by a vehicle in a hit-and-run incident, and died on the street.

In a kind of vigil, the stray black Labrador Retriever refused to leave her friend’s side, standing by the fatally wounded yellow Lab despite the roar of traffic behind her.
Touched by the dog’s loyalty to her fallen friend, a kind bystander contacted police and placed emergency traffic cones around the Labs before shooting a video of the scene (see below). The video of faithful Maggie has been viewed around the world since its online release last Saturday.
Animal control officers were able to clear the dogs from the busy road, and since the incident, Maggie has been staying at the Baldwin Park Animal Care Center, an animal care facility in L.A. County.
Initially unaware of her real name, shelter workers nicknamed the loyal Lab “Amazing Grace.” The shelter’s phone lit up with people wanting to adopt her, but Maggie’s owner came forward Monday to claim her.
At the time of the accident, Maggie’s family was searching for their missing Lab. According to Maggie’s owner, she was able to sneak past them and bolt from an opened garage door.
Maggie is expected to return to her owners after a home inspection. Her owners will be fined for failing to register their dog and for letting their dog run loose.
The identity of the yellow Labrador Retriever that Maggie befriended and guarded is still unknown; with no tags or microchip, the owners may never be found.