Can dogs eat sultanas? You may be asking this because your pup ate some of these dried fruits, and you’re worried about their health. Humans can eat sultanas, so are they also safe for dogs to eat?
The short answer is no, sultanas are not safe for dogs to eat. Sultanas are a type of seedless raisin that tend to be on the sweeter side. Although tasty for humans, sultanas, like all grapes, are extremely toxic to dogs.
If your dog has eaten sultanas, you should immediately contact your vet for guidance. Here’s why sultanas are so bad for dogs.
Why Are Sultanas Bad For Dogs?
Sultanas are toxic to dogs, but the substance that causes this toxicity is unknown. This small, white raisin poses the same threat as grapes, raisins, and dates.
Dog consumption of sultanas can cause severe health problems and eventually lead to acute kidney failure. Some dogs are more impervious to the fruit than others.
Some dogs have no reaction to eating grapes, raisins, dates, or sultanas, but some dogs can suffer severe issues from just one of these fruits. Signs of kidney failure include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and bloody urine and/or stool.
If you want to give your dog a fruit to snack on, there are plenty of other options that will not cause health problems. In fact, there are several fruits that are fantastic for your pup, like blueberries, blackberries, and bananas.
What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Sultanas?

If your dog ate sultanas, you should immediately contact your vet. Your dog may not display any symptoms of toxicity, but it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to the health of your pup.
Your vet may request that they come in to be evaluated. If your pup is brought into the vet relatively close to the time of sultana consumption, your vet may induce vomiting to purge the fruit.
If your dog appears to be suffering from kidney failure, your vet will most likely put your pup through dialysis, which is time consuming, taxing for your pup, and expensive.
Because a sultana snack can result in a tough time for your dog and an expensive vet bill, it’s best to keep these fruits far away from your doggo.
Has your dog ever accidentally eaten sultanas? Did they have a reaction? Let us know in the comments.