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Dog Behavior (Page 4)
There’s a short developmental window in every dog’s life when they’re extremely sensitive to their environment. The number of positive…
We know too many stories of dogs who have been given to a shelter, or even abandoned, after easily-correctable behaviors…
Resource guarding. Pulling on the leash. Nipping and biting. These are all concerning signs of dominant behavior in dogs. Understanding…
Dog humping, also known as mounting, is an embarrassing and confusing behavior for dog parents. While it can be a…
How to stop your dog or puppy from jumping on you
Question: I love my dog so much, but I find myself worrying that I’m not doing enough for her. I…
You come home to find your slippers chewed to bits or your rose bushes dug up and strewn all over…
Separation anxiety is an enormous problem for pets. The National Institutes of Health reported that pre-pandemic, about 20 percent of…
Why dominance training is so controversial
Question: Is it OK to let my dog sleep in bed with me? Answer: Experts have long disagreed on this…
Dog marking and house soiling may smell the same, but they are two entirely different things. Learn the difference as…
Question: When and how should I introduce my puppy to dog parks? Answer: When it’s safe to take your puppy…
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