Lilica is the sweetest and most compassionate mutt in Sao Carlos, Brazil. Her home is a junkyard owned by Mrs. Neire where this sweet pup was abandoned many years ago. The junkyard is home to many people and animals: dogs, cats and chickens, all united in poverty and doing the best they can go get by. Mrs. Neire can provide love and safety, but not much else.
Unable to afford food, let alone medical care and spaying, Lilica got pregnant and had eight puppies that she loved, nursed and cared for. As the puppies grew bigger they were hungry for more than milk. Lilica had to find food to feed her young. There was nothing close by the junkyard so she had to walk for miles every single day in search of something for her hungry family to eat. She was not just looking out for her puppies, Lilica seemed to feel that it was up to her to make sure that no one in the junkyard went hungry.
One day a school teacher and animal lover named Lucia Helena de Souza, noticed a dog sniffing around trash bins. Thinking the dog was a hungry stray, Souza brought her a bag of food and watched as the hungry dog ate a little, then picked the bag up in her mouth and took the rest to go, a real life doggie bag. This went on for days until finally Souza decided to follow the pup and was inspired by what she saw.

The animals at the junkyard are counting on Lilica every day for food and Lilica is counting on Souza, who does not want to let her canine friend down. Every day Souza is ready and waiting with a bag of food for Lilica to take back to her hungry animal family.
This loving dog found her purpose and is not slowing down.
Lilica has gained some notoriety from the video but she is shy and likes to stay away from the spotlight.
Related story: Meet Brazil’s Animal Angel