A Memphis, Tenn., dog is safe today after spending more than a day running loose with a plastic container stuck over her head.

Memphis area resident Beth-Andy Kohn Gresham spotted the trapped dog last Friday. Concerned for the dog’s safety, Gresham attempted to get close enough to remove the container, but the spooked pup bolted. When she couldn’t approach the dog, Gresham created a Facebook post about the dog’s predicament in hopes that others in the area would keep an eye out for her.
“Got within 15-20 feet and it raised its head but went into the woods,” Gresham wrote on her Facebook page last Friday. Before the frightened dog ran off, Gresham was able to snap a photo of the thin white-and-black-spotted mixed-breed dog. “Came back out and was able to get this [picture](it has been zoomed in) I am leaving jobsite now and going back by.”
News of the loose dog spread on Facebook, and soon dozens of people joined in the rescue efforts to save the poor dog trapped in a plastic jar. Local news station WREG-TV3 reported the story Friday evening, attracting even more volunteers.
“If someone tied you up and beat you or attacked you, there’s nothing you can do. Same thing with that dog,” Jess McClain, one of the dog’s attempted rescuers, said. “If another dog came up and attacked him, he can’t do a thing – or eat or drink.”
After trying late into the night on Friday and Saturday morning, the rescue party was able to catch the dog in a wooded area near Tennessee’s I-140. The container was wedged over the dog’s face so tightly that it required plastic cutters to remove it.
The dog was thin and a little dehydrated, but is going to be okay. In honor of the dog’s survival, the rescue party named her Miracle.
It’s not clear if Miracle got her head stuck accidently while trying to retrieve food from the jar or if the container was intentionally placed over her face.
According to Gresham, many local dogs are abandoned in the woods where Miracle was found. Coincidentally, while rescuers were looking for Miracle, they were able to save another stray dog.